Monday, August 11, 2008

I forgot to put this on before the other ones but I did get First place in my Division, their was eight people in my division. 1500 people competed and around 700 finished!

left to right Jan kelley and Linda we had soo much fun training together and Jan and Linda did Really well, Jan had a time of 2:58 and Linda's was 3:33 (Awesome)!!!

Moms Triathlon in Coeur d' alene

Kaiya kalan and keirsen had lots of fun cheering everyone!

The swim (1 mile) Brad and the Girls were standing their holding the sign! (Thanks for making it Cassie)

The Bike (25 miles) Up long steep hills! But it sure was fun coming down them!

Last is the Run (6.2 miles) I gave the Girls High Fives as i was leaving for the run.

I Finished! with a time of 3 hours 16 minutes! Before the race you are given a chip timer to time all the events, it goes on your ankle and you have to run over the pads to trigger the timing chip. After the swim mine broke off so i had to carry it through out the whole race and bend down everytime their was a pad. Sooo no i am NOT falling at the Finish Line i am triggering my time chip!!!

The Horse Carriage Ride

Vicki cane and picked us up in front of our house so we could go on a ride in her carriage. Her Husband built the Carriage from scratch, very cool huh! The girls had so much Fun! Two days later she came and picked us up again for another ride!!! We are very lucky to have Vicki as a neighbor!!!

Kalan's Birthday

Sorry, I am not very good at updating our Blog, but anywho this is kalan's 5th Birthday July 14th and the only thing she wanted for her Birthday was to ride horses so we called our good friend Vicki and she was more than willing to make that wish come true it was alot of fun and Kalan was in Horse Heaven!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


The girls have been dying to go camping so we finally took them with our Friends
and of course we just had to do the Smores! YUMMY!!!

The next morning we went Four Wheeling through some trails, very muddy trails, but the Girls had soooo much fun riding and getting muddy!
It was a perfect Weekend!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Fun Zone in Pocatello

Kaiya got a surprise birthday Party from her Aunts! Kaiya has alway wanted to celebrate her birthday with her cousins from Idaho! Thanks to her Aunts she finally got her wish, at the Fun Zone!

Trip to Pocatello..... or Gamma and Gam-pa's!

Keirsen kept saying.... "Mommy.. are the dinosaurs gonna come uhh-live?" LOL

We went to the Museum of Natural History in Pocatello with our cousins. The girls had a lot of fun hiding in the walls.